for more healthy eating and better relationships

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Nuts – The Supreme Snack

Whatever your goal is – whether to lose weight, curb hunger, enhance your brain, like the nutty taste, nuts are the supreme snack.  I discovered this the last few years when I went to Trader Joe’s and stocked up on at least two different bags of nuts at my desk.  Around 3pm, I would get into the pistachios, sunflower seeds, pecans, or whatever I had.  My coworker was inspired so he brought in two HUGE (probably 3 pounds each) bags of peanuts and cashews.  And instead of congregating around the water hole, we congregated around the nuts. 

Today, I will focus on pistachios and walnuts.

Pistachios: Eating pistachio nuts is said to decrease coronary risk, improve total cholesterol and boost your immune system.  Unsalted ones are high in potassium to sodium.  They also have vitamin E (antioxidant), magnesium and phosphorus.  And, if you buy them shelled, you will not eat as many.  More labor intensive eating reduces the amount you eat.

Walnuts: Have you ever looked closely at the walnut?  It looks like a brain.  An age old belief is since the walnut looks like a human brain, it’s probably good for the brain.  Walnuts are loaded with omega-3’s and have more than any other nut. They have protein, fiber, calcium, magnesium and other minerals – and help with growth, reproduction, wound healing, peak brain function, and other functions.  I prefer walnuts with shells intact – it is much fresher than shells removed.  But, if you can only get your hands on ones with shells removed, buy those; it is better than not eating them.

Source for above: 150 Healthiest Foods on Earth by Jonny Bowden

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