for more healthy eating and better relationships

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Two culprits to low energy and burgeoning waists

Think bread, baked goods, noodles, bagels, pretzels, flavored yogurt, non-fresh juices...These used to be my staples.  Foods that I LOVED to eat.  And, I thought they were "low fat," which in my mind was "healthy" (I have learned totally not true).  I remember in college, I would eat 3 bagels a day.  Morning would be with cream cheese, lunch with peanut butter, and dinner with some other concocted condiment.  After so many years and always wondering why working out 4-5 times a week would not get rid of my belly fat, I have found two major culprits: refined flour and sugar.  These caused me to retain belly fat and made me tired (but I just didn't know it).  In recent years, I have been cutting them out.  In fact, I have found that the more I eat sugar and refined/processed flour, the more hungry I am.  I believe by eating refined flour and sugar, I am starving my body of nutrients it actually needs; therefore, I eat more and I just don't feel satisfied until I have a stomach ache from over-eating!  I now eat primarily whole grains and check labels for sugar content.  Belly, thighs and butt have all slimmed down, energy level is much higher, and my appetite is in more control.  There are a couple days when I can tell I have eaten too much, but the former struggle is less, making my days more blessed.