for more healthy eating and better relationships

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Who Doesn’t Want a Flatter Stomach?

As much as this blog is about food and healthy eating, a byproduct of eating healthy is our waist size.  If a person learns how to eat to satisfy his/her body needs, the “food cravings” are significantly reduced.  Sure, sometimes we do desire a dessert or something fattening, but those cravings will come less often and with less viciousness.
One friend inquired about how to have a flatter stomach.  His last name rhymes with “erdle.”  A few tips to a flatter belly:

  1. Cut refined flours.  If you read this blog, you already know where I stand on this.  If you are reading this blog for the first time, check out my previous posts, and it will become apparent.
  2. Going poop three times a day.  Kind of crazy, but if you eat a diet high in nutrients, vegetables with the right mix of grains, fiber, seeds/nuts, you will probably go poop after every meal.  Throw in a smoothie with real fruit and vegetables, and it’s pretty sure to come.  Keeping your “pipes” clean will decrease toxicity buildup, take up less space, and it is indication that your bodily digestive and related systems are working together and well.  I use this as an indicator for the kind of diet I am eating and how healthy it is. 
  3. Drink enough water.  Water is essential to life.  Every body requires different amounts of water, but 2 liters a day is pretty average. 
  4. Limit dairy intake.  Cheese and milk cause bloating.  I used to eat TONS of cereal and milk.  It was easy, fast and had long shelf life.  I have learned that cereal is not that healthy – think about it, it is processed with added sugar.  Cereal manufacturers fortify it, but these are not natural nutrients.  Perhaps OK as a supplement, but not OK as a mainstay.  Cheese adds to the waistline – I suggest eating cheese sparingly. 
  5. Limit sodium.  High sodium diets cause water retention.  Water retention in your legs, arms, body is not healthy (it usually feels tight and stiff). 
  6. Don’t skip meals.  For the meal you skip, sure, your stomach seems to be smaller.  But, right after you eat (and make up for the hunger), your stomach will probably seem and be bigger.  Eating every meal will keep your body on a consistent clock, avoiding your body to be famished or stuffed.  I believe it will help control how much you eat.  Breakfast in the morning gives you your base energy for the day – so don’t skip it! 
  7. Exercises.  No doubt, for a sculpted abdomen, one needs to exercise.  Here is one exercise that is simple and has some amazing results.  Lay down on your back.  Bring up your legs to table top position, so you create a 90 degree angle.  Put your hands on your stomach for stabilization.  Hold this position for 15 minutes.  Try doing it multiple times a week. 
That’s it.  It’s that simple.  Definitely doable in a hotel room.  I can only hold for about four minutes right now…so if you can do it for 15, you are pretty amazing.

More info:


Unknown said...

Three times a day!? Can you become my regularity coach until this happens for me?

findfoodlove said...

Hi Eunia! Sorry for my long delayed comment, I couldn't post comments for longest time, just figured it out, but love that you are reading through my blog!!