for more healthy eating and better relationships

Monday, June 13, 2011

Blueberries, Plump and Sweet

If you haven't realized yet, it is blueberry season for US consumers!  The blueberries are large, plump and sweet.  When they are this good, they should be consumed by the handfuls, not picked at, one-by-one.  If you need a cheaper source that enables you to consume by the handfuls, check out Costco.  Here's a picture!

Blueberries are not just really yummy, they have a reputation of protecting your memory, in other words, brain food (I hope you hare convinced at the end, if this is new to you)!  Put simply, if blueberries can improve my brain health, and I admit that I could use more brain cells :) , why not consume daily and in handfuls!  In a series of tests conducted by Dr. James Joseph, middle aged rats (I know, rats get old too) who were fed blueberry extracts behaved like their younger counterparts.  No mental deterioration, no loss of coordination or balance.  Tests of motor function and memory function came out so positive, that the conclusion was that blueberries make a difference.

Blueberries are found on the superfood list.  They help the neurons in your brain, contain antioxidants and are anti-inflammatory.  Said to help fight Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, diabetes, heart disease and even arthritis.

Best if fresh, but frozen is a good alternative when not in season.  Great as is, in oatmeal, in yogurt, and in smoothies.

Source: 150 Healthiest Foods on Earth, by Jonny Bowden

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